Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article deals with the reporting of topic on culture in modern Ukrainian mass media. The actuality of the study is due to the need to cover cultural issues in the media, because cultural events have always been an important segment of the life of a society. In recent years, Ukraine is experiencing a surge of public interest in culture. The peculiarities of cultural issues covering in Ukrainian print and online media, such as Den, Kultura i Zhyttia, Ukrainska Pravda and Cultprostir are being studied. The culture theme is regarded as an important element of the media space. The authors consider main tendencies and aspects of the cultural information in media. The features of presentation cultural issues in different media are characterized. Media texts on cultural theme in specialized editions and those aimed at highlighting various aspects of life, have a significant contrast in the selection and presentation of information by verbal and non-verbal means of organizing the text. General media cover the subject of culture quite briefly, only informing about this or that event. Instead, in specialized editions this topic is the leading one. This also applies to the coverage of culture aspects of print and online media. Advantages of printed publications lie in a deeper analysis of news and events of the culture sphere, adding information by experts' estimates, wide coverage of the material, creating an attractive product. Instead, publications in online versions feature by a high degree of interactivity and multimedia capabilities. The peculiarities of the thematic-genre palette of media are determined by the variety of issues under consideration and the journalists’ personal preferences. Ways to improve the quality and effectiveness of media texts on this topic are identified.

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