The article analyzes the talk show as a genre of mass culture. It is considered as a multifaceted means for filling the television broadcast, multifunctional aspect of mass and 38 interpersonal communication. The article analyzes the “Pravo na vladu”, in which you can trace observance of the principle of objectivity. The advantages and disadvantages of the talk show are highlighted. This study focuses attention to the fact that the main principles on which talk shows are being built, It is truth and reality of what you are talking about. Almost always in the show you can hear life’s extraordinary stories. This is a kind of highlight of the program. Or maybe just – people are invited to the TV show, people, who know the content of the problem not from the statistics, but have a wealth of personal experience in one or another topic. In the article, political talk shows are considered as “substitute for democracy”, that superseded real policy. The analysis of the views of domestic scientists, media critics and media experts indicates ambiguity in the perception of programs and multi-purpose role of sociopolitical talk shows. It is accented on that fact, that political TV projects are always focused not only on politicians, journalists but also to the average viewer’s audience. It is assumed that in each transmission will be offered some, at least intermediate, solution to the problem. Potentially, such programs may serve as exemptions from widespread of cultural fears and prejudices. At last, like other television projects, talk shows should also entertain an audience by holding it around the screens. It is the compositional features that distinguish the talk show among other types of discourse and determine its influence on the formation of the worldview. Efficiency is achieved through the work on specific schemes, as shown in this paper. Exactly today they have a significant influence on the formation of the face of television. Stylistics of modern television is dictated by the laws of the spectacle, the elements of which enriched television journalism, creating, in essence, a new genre format that has the character of the show.
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