: pp. 136-141
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article outlines the structure of news reports, describes the way sofnews publishing, which has been developed by journalist practice. Since mass media should not chaotically translate information that is in demand, but rather should predict the impact this information has on society, the features of hard and soft news are compared in our study. Now it is necessary to overcome stereotypes that correspondent just informs, because it leads to the simplification of the media. These stereotypes move into the consciousness of a new generation of journalists. Regional media usually offer the same topics, similar actors. The communication system remains unchanged and predictable. Scholars who are quoted in the study suggest properly going beyond the usual and looking for feedback, which will make it possible to differentiate from others. In order to achieve effective communication with the audience, in this article we offer journalists a deeper understanding of the answers during the preparation of news reports. Since news is the current information about facts, events, phenomena of social significance, it has to correspond to certain requirements. Facts become meaningful when placed in a structure or plot line that arranges them, choosing one and ignoring others. Releases on regional TV channels do not often correspond to the developed and formulated standards. In the given research we have outlined, comprehended method of preparation of a news message. Based on the results of scientific reflection on the theory of television communication and analysis of news content, the optimal structure of news reports has been recommended. The basic segments of this structure are absolute, national, civic, family, personal values and socio-humanistic needs of viewers.

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