The article explores one of the main motives for the creative achievement of the People’s Shevchenko Prize winner Ihor Pavlyuk — the motive for the spiritual self-identification of the lyrical hero and the trail as a result of conscious moral choice. The emotional-psychological portrait of the world-view of our contemporary protagonist is reflected in the novel-meditation in the poems “Pilgrim” and the lyric collection “Carrier of Dreams” by Igor Pavlyuk. The components of the path motive (space and time) emphasize the intrinsic motivation of existential self-knowledge through communion with the Other, the rejection of social stereotypes of conformism in search of the meaning of life.
The motive of trail is quasi-popular in literature. The poet is looking for a golden ratio between the earthly and the otherworldly, trying to keep a shaky harmony between the perfection of nature and love for people, but after reflecting on their actions he comes to the conclusion that the rotten era feeds on our blood and sacral fear. The metaphorical density of the inner states of the lyrical hero, the process of polarization of the needs of the body and soul, the desire for a border encounter of the poet-god with the “human” devil are noted. In the system of coordinates of the artistic world of Ihor Pavlyuk, the vertical serves as a spiritual support in the twilight of losses of both personal and social nature. The semantic palette is represented by gold, blue, white, bloody and black, reflecting the colors of the national flag and the tragic vision of sacrificial love. The methods of artistic understanding of the polyphonicity of the contemporary soul with a low pain threshold in the unbalanced world are analyzed.
Style dominants, methods of creation of sensual image, peculiarities of combination of folk poetical tradition and innovation in poet’s creativity are analyzed, comparative parallels with the coordinates of the world famous writers Taras Shevchenko, George Byron, Jose Saramago, Seamus Heaney, Chingiz Aitmatov, Joseph Brodsky are presented.
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