Diversity of Advertising Content of Such Channels as “1+1”, “STB” and “Novyi Kanal” Over a Period of 2016–2019

: 132-142
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Nowadays, advertising is becoming more and more important day to day. The major task of advertising is not only drawing the attention as well as the interest of potential customers. It also should inspire the consumer to feel the necessity of possessing a specific item of goods, and, as a result, buy the advertised products, which is actually the fundamental final objective of the television advertisement.

Commercial advertisement on television is one of best ways to present one’s product. With its help people most commonly get to know about bargain sales or special offers, new store opening or, for example, refreshment of the highly-publicized brand. Moreover, advertisement on television enables the direct influence on one’s target audience, because according to the media outreach data, the television takes up the highest positions, and consequently, is one of the most influential mass media in Ukraine.

The article highlights the basic types of the television advertising found on the most popular national channels of our state. The methods most commonly used in the course of the advertising product preparation for the achievement of its goals have been defined.

The advertising content of such channels as “1+1”, “STB” and “Novyi kanal” over a period of 2016–2019 has been analyzed. The diversity of the types of advertising content of every media has been highlighted annually over a period of 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. Their comparative analysis has been made. Besides, the most popular methods to meet the advertisement’s objectives on every TV channel under research have been pointed out.

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