Social media in the marketing activity of polish higher education institutions – the results of the research


Kisiołek A.

Greater Poland University of Economics and Social Science in Sroda-Velikopolska, Poland

The article focuses on the effects of the implementation of the Law on Higher Education of Sept. 1990, such as the creation of a free market of educational services in the field of higher education, including the product, the demand and the student as the client. It also hints at the need for higher education institutions to carry out marketing activity, with special emphasis on the activity online due to the common digitalisation of marketing, as well as the specific target group, the so-called generation Z, which stays online all the time. The issue of marketing in education has been widely discussed by a number of authors, the major points of reference being the notion of the educational service, understood in Kotler’s sense as an extended product, as well as the student, perceived as a specific client whose expectations cannot be satisfied in full without prejudice to the quality of the service rendered. It is observed that online marketing, and specifically its WEB 2.0 paradigm including the social media sector, still remains a relatively unexplored area of marketing activity among a number of marketing tools implemented by higher education institutions. Crucially, WEB 2.0 is not considered here primarily in technological terms, but rather as the next stage of the evolution of the Internet characterised by some new, extremely dynamic trends. It’s no longer computers, but humans, who stimulate the development of the web. The era of the monopoly on content creation is over. Nowadays, it is delivered by (Internet) users, who actively create and sort out information available on the Web. The point of this article is to present the results of the research into the role of the Social Media in online marketing activities of the Polish higher education institutions, both public and non-public. The research has been conducted by the author of the article in Poland and concerns the comprehensive use of the specific tools of Internet marketing in the activity of higher education institutions, ranging from the strategy to the use of mobile technologies.

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