Factors and problems of implementing cooperation on innovation in Ukraine

: pp. 86 - 95
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lutsk National Technical University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article is devoted to the problems of establishing and developing cooperation between the subjects of innovative activity.

The authors examined statistical information from the last four years on innovation cooperation in Ukraine, compiled according to the international methodology, as well as indicators of innovation activity in Ukraine as a whole. The international economic innovation ratings of Ukraine were analyzed and investigated.

Organizing innovative activities is associated with the transformation of  research  and development results into ready-to-use (use) innovative products (work, service). The authors justify the high level of risk of innovation processes, so to reduce it, they propose to form systems of interaction between subjects.

The formation of the innovation cooperation chain involves active participation with other enterprises or organizations in innovation projects.  The authors of the article have defined the criterion of creation and development of interaction between participants of the innovation chain as synergistic combination of the use of resources to accelerate the processes of commercialization of a new idea in the innovation market. The essential characteristic of the concept of “cooperation on innovation” is also defined and substantiated.

The authors conducted a survey that identified and ranked the factors that prompted the search for an innovation partner. In particular, respondents were interviewed in such three groups as business entities, representatives of higher education institutions and representatives of research institutions.

The factors that determine the need to find a partner in innovation, were proposed to group in the following areas: value, property, information and communication, quality and market criteria. According to the results of the survey, the criteria for the need to find a partner in innovation activities were evaluated by the Saati method and their weighting coefficients were calculated.

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