Section 1 - Geodetic Surveying & Deformation Monitoring
Geodetic measuring techniques and instruments. Methods and technologies in surveying and deformation monitoring. Software, databases and applications for engineering surveying. Coordinate systems and reference frames. National geodetic networks: classical and satellite-based control points. Optimisation of geodetic measurements, networks and their accuracy. Terrestrial laser scanning, GNSS, LiDAR, InSAR and other advanced technologies for deformation monitoring.
Section 2 - Earth-Surface Processes & Geodynamics
Interdisciplinary approaches of geodesy, geology, geophysics, and geomorphology. Global, regional and local geodynamics. Recent tectonic plate and mantle dynamics. Geomagnetism and gravimetry. Geophysics and micro-geophysics for engineering. Geomechanics. Recent hydrology dynamics. Earthquake engineering and seismology. Seismic vulnerability and risk assessment. Geodetic research of geomorphology processes such as landslides, deposition, erosion, weathering and glacial melting. Landscape change monitoring.
Section 3 - Remote Sensing & GIS for Environmental Monitoring
Remote sensing - sources and methods of studying the earth's surface and environmental changes. Monitoring of quantitative and qualitative indicators of natural resources based on remote sensing data. Risk analysis, monitoring and forecasting of natural disasters using GIS based on remote sensing data. Monitoring of global and regional climate change based on remote sensing data.
Section 4 - GIS & Data Management
Development and optimisation of GIS systems. Data collection, storage, and processing techniques for geospatial information. Spatial data visualisation and modelling. Web-based geospatial data and GIS services. Integration of cloud computing and big data in GIS. Tools and methods for effective geodata management. National geospatial data infrastructure.
Section 5 - Digital Technologies for Precision Agriculture
Applications of GIS and UAV in precision agriculture. Soil quality assessment for agricultural lands. Crop monitoring and yield prediction. IoT and smart farming technologies. Data-driven approaches for sustainable agricultural practices. Remote Sensing for Agriculture. Data Analytics and AI in Agriculture. Autonomous Farming Equipment.
Section 6 - UAV & Land Cover Mapping
Development, design and research of UAVs. Practical implementation of the results of UAV surveys. Collection, analysis and 3D visualisation of geodata based on UAVs. Photogrammetric and LIDAR-surveying. Theoretical, methodological and mathematical aspects of digital cartography. Designing, compiling and publishing maps. Geoinformation analysis and geospatial modelling of landscape changes.
Section 7 - Spatial Territory Planning
Management and effective use of land resources. Real estate and land appraisal. Land and soil quality monitoring. Land inventory. GIS technologies in territorial planning. Geospatial portals for community resource management. Integration of data between cadastres. 3D-cadastre. Application of AI in cadastre, land management and planning. Land protection. Restrictions and encumbrances of land rights. Environmental aspects of spatial planning.
Section 8 - Assessment of War Consequences
Monitoring and Assessment of Destruction Using Remote Sensing Methods. GIS Solutions for Disaster Monitoring. GIS Databases for Analyzing Destruction and Damage. Analysis of Landscape Changes Caused by Hostilities. Land Cover Mapping for Military Applications. GIS and Land Cover Mapping for Demining Operations. GIS solutions for Post-War Reconstruction