генетичний алгоритм


The article is devoted to the estimation of computational complexity of a genetic algorithm as one of the key tools for solving optimisation problems. The theoretical aspects of computational complexity of algorithms and the interrelation of elements of a genetic algorithm are considered. The main types of computational complexity of algorithms are described: time, simple and asymptotic. Five basic rules for calculating the asymptotic complexity are given.

Використання генетичних алгоритмів для апроксимації функцій дійсними поліномами

Наведено метод апроксимації функцій поліномами з дійсними степенями, в якому підбір степеня здійснюється за допомогою генетичного алгоритму.

The method of approximation of functions by polynomials with real powers, which is the power of selection with a genetic algorithm.


The article focuses on the peculiarities of using the genetic algorithm (GA) for solving optimization problems. It provides a classification of optimization problems and offers a detailed description of the structural elements of the GA and their role in solving the traveling salesman problem. To assess the impact of GA parameters on its effectiveness, a study on the influence of population size on the length of the traveling salesman's route is conducted.

Design of the system of automated generation of poetry works

 Features of designing a system of automated generation of poetic works, which opens up new opportunities for artistic speech and show business, especially the preparation of poems and songs have been considered. Quite often lyrics without special content become successful due to the lack of complex plots, as well as due to the unobtrusiveness and ease of perception by listeners. Well-known literature sources and available software products that can generate poetic works by combining different methods and algorithms are analyzed.

Construction of Empirical Models of Complex Oscillation Processes with Non-Multiple Frequencies Based on the Principles of Genetic Algorithms

A method for constructing the empirical models of complex processes has been developed on the basis of genetic algorithms which, compared to the inductive method of self-organization of models, significantly reduces computer time for their implementation. An approach has been used that allows a complex model to be considered as a composition of three components, i.e. a linear trend, an oscillatory component with non-multiple frequencies and a regression equation which simplifies the process of building complex models.

Застосування генетичного алгоритму для проектування гібридних сховищ даних

Описано застосування генетичного алгоритму до проектування гібридних сховищ даних. 

Дослідження та розроблення генетичних алгоритмів та операторів схрещування

Розроблено генетичний алгоритм та оператор схрещування. Запропоновано застосування генетичних алгоритмів і операторів схрещування для розв’язання складних оптимізаційних задач. Виконані експерименти показують ефективність запропонованого генетичного алгоритму й оператора схрещування.

The Problem of Optimal Tasks Processing in Nodes of the Distributed Information System

The problem of optimal processing tasks in the nodes of a distributed information system on the basis of a mathematical model belonging to a class of two-clustering problems, for which an optimization problem with a fractional linear target function is formulated, was investigated.

Genetic Algorithm Application for Synthesis and Analysis of Electromechanical Systems

One of modern possible problem solutions of analysis and synthesis in electromechanical systems is the recourse to a genetic algorithm as a method of artificial intelligence. The originality of the proposed approach lies in the usage of fractional order models to solve the above-mentioned problem. The quality function is proposed to be used in the developed algorithms for analysis and synthesis procedures of electromechanical systems. It is also proposed to get the desired outcome of results deviation from the set values by means of quality function control after each iteration.

Complex Optimization Method of Routing Information Flows in Self-organized Networks

Modified routing algorithms are presented based on basic meta-heuristic algorithms: ant colony optimization, genetic and simulated annealing to determine the best route for information flows in self-organized networks. An ant colony optimization is based on the use of the probability parameter for the transition between the nodes located between the source node and the receiving node. To solve the problem of optimization of routing in a simulated annealing, its modification is proposed by adding or removing a transit node based on the coverage of the reaching range of neighboring nodes.