
Analysis of the change of thermoelectronic forces of thermoelectrids by their relative deformation

In order to reduce the uncertainty of the result obtained during the measurement of high temperatures by thermoelectric transducers in the adverse conditions of operation, particulary in case of rapid thermal changes, the influence of mechanical deformation of thermoelectrodes on the change of their thermoelectric power is analyzed. Taking into account that the energy spectrum of electrons in metals is determined by their number and potential of a crystalline lattice, we assume that in the case of elastic deformation with displacement of ions, the lattice potential also varies.

Дослідження температурних режимів пожеж у житлових приміщеннях на моделях зменшеного масштабу

his paper is the results of the experiment to study the dynamics of fire in the premises of residential buildings on models size reduction and improvement of methods for determining the temperature conditions of movement of gases and warming their structural elements using markers and thermal imager. The tests on models of small-scale examination demonstrated the dynamics of fires in residential areas and make for verification of the data model based on fires CFD.