Дослідження температурних режимів пожеж у житлових приміщеннях на моделях зменшеного масштабу


Шналь Т. М., Прохоренко С. В.*, Данкевич І. П / Shnal Т. М., Prokhorenko S. V., Dankevych І. P.

Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра будівельних конструкцій та мостів,
*кафедра інформаційно-вимірювальних технологій

his paper is the results of the experiment to study the dynamics of fire in the premises of residential buildings on models size reduction and improvement of methods for determining the temperature conditions of movement of gases and warming their structural elements using markers and thermal imager. The tests on models of small-scale examination demonstrated the dynamics of fires in residential areas and make for verification of the data model based on fires CFD. Discovered temperature-time relationship between factors influencing the temperature regime of fire: fire load, room size, thermal inertia walling, ventilation, fire load density and speed pyrolysis fire load. Found that the rate of burning fire load occurs at a constant rate, the relationship between speed and sometimes almost linear, and does not depend on the phase of fire

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