
Створення нового технологічного процесу повного перероблення розчину стебницького хвостосховища у кондиційні продукти – натрію хлорид і бішофіт

In this article the new technological process of complete processing of solution Stebnik’s tailings on the basis a complex experimental researches, which involves the use of standard equipment, is developed. It enables to get two conditioned products (sodium chloride and bishofit) and potassium-magnesium fertilizer. The cyclic using of organic extractant in the process enables dramatically reduce material costs of processing tailings solution and provides ecological completeness of the process.

Селективне вилучення хлоридів з твердого напівпродукту перероблення розчинів хвостосховищ калійних виробництв прикарпаття

In this paper the possibility of obtaining almost non-chloride products with the help of the experimental studies of selective extraction of sodium and potassium chlorides from intermediate product of processing solutions tailings potash industries - sediment of potassium-magnesium salts with a high chloride content (over 25 %) using aqueous organic extractant (acetone, methanol, ethanol) was proved. It is shown that to achieve a high yield of product the extraction process should be carried out in 40% aqueous acetone.