
Modification of Bentonite from the Ilnitsky Deposit with Chitosan

The bentonite from the Ilnytsky deposit was modified by sorbtion of chitosan on the surface of its particles in an aqueous suspension. It was found that there is an optimal concentration of chitosan (at a constant bentonite content in the suspension) that maximizes the sorption rate of chitosan macromolecules, which leads to improved flocculation and sedimentation of the suspension. Additionally, it was demonstrated that the chitosan sorption on suspension particles significantly increases with increasing pH from 3 to 9.5.


Fermentation of local grape varieties Isabella and Pocklington was carried out to produce dry wine materials. The process of treatment of wine materials with ordinary bentonite and modified bentonite for clarification was studied. It was found that in all samples of wine materials, a decrease in acidity was observed in the first days of the experiment. Then, with the use of ordinary bentonite, the acidity increases almost to the original value. The acidity of wine materials when using modified bentonite systematically decreases until the end of processing.

Synthesis and Characterization of Mixed Al,Cu-Pillared and Copper Doped Al-Pillared Bentonite

In this paper, mixed aluminum and copper pillared clays (Al,Cu-PILCs) with different percentage of Cu and copper impregnated aluminum pillared clay (Cu@Al-PILC) were prepared using a bentonite sample. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, N2 adsorption-desorption and Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy. The results showed bentonite had a main reflection of montmorillonite that characterized by basal spacing, increased by pillaring.

Одержання бутиладипінату у присутності активованих алюмосилікатів

The features of adipic acid esterification with 1-butanol in the presence of aluminosilicates activated with sulfuric acid as a catalyst have been studied. The optimal process conditions have been determined. The influence of a heterogeneous catalyst nature on the esterification proceeding has been defined. Досліджено закономірності естерифікації адипінової кислоти 1-бутанолом у при- сутності активованих сульфатною кислотою алюмосилікатів як каталізаторів. Визначено оптимальні умови процесу. Встановлено вплив природи гетерогенного каталізатора на перебіг естерифікації.