political regime

The problem of the definition of the «transitional judge» in the modern philosophical and legal discourse

The article carries out a philosophical and legal analysis of existing approaches to the definition of "transitional justice" and forms the author's position regarding its understanding. Two features of the emergence of the model of transitional justice are singled out: 1) the studied model is built on practical experience, and later became the basis of theoretical studies on transitional justice; 2) this model arises at the initiative of the international community as a reaction to repeated violations of human rights.

Populism in the context of public administration: experience of Belarus

The article examines problems of populism in the context of public administration in Belarus. It should be noted that populism remains a topical phenomenon of social and political life of many countries. It is also observed that while populism makes a significant impact on policies of the countries with relatively little experience in functioning of democratic institutions, it also manifests itself quite visibly in the modern political space of ‘old’ democracies.

Bonapartism as Type of Political Regime in France (1799-1814/15)

The article is devoted to analyzing basic approaches to the definition of Bonapartism. Bonapartism is considered: as a model or an ideal type of a political system, which tends to be repeated in certain circumstances; as a political ideology of the post-revolutionary period, aimed at implementation of the principles of centralism; as a system of institutions and governance’s procedures that enables the practical realization of the aforementioned ideology in a divided society.

Politological analysis of the main methods of measurement of the democracy level in the world

The problem of indexing with its important role in the study of democracy is emphasized which enables formalized approach to democracy and allows evaluating efficiency of political system transformation . The methodological approaches to indexing democracy are considered. Both the author’s approaches to determining the level of democracy in the world (the Ph. Cutright Index of Political Democracy, the K. Bollen Index of Political Democracy, the K.