physical and mechanical properties

Polymeric Composite Materials of Tribotechnical Purpose with a High Level of Physical, Mechanical and Thermal Properties

Polymeric composites (PC) of tribological applications with a high level of physical, mechanical and thermal properties based on aromatic polyamide and silica gel have been developed. Regularities have been obtained that describe the effect of the filler content in PC on the friction coefficient, temperature on the friction surface and the intensity of linear wear rate of the studied PC-steel friction pair. It was found that the optimal silica gel content in the polymer matrix is 10 wt %.


The article shows the relation between sustainability and cement manufacture that can be obtained by the replacement of clinker with limestone additive. This decreases the use of energy resources and reduces CO2 emissions in cement production. The issue of partial Portland cement clinker substitution by finely ground limestone in the production of market-oriented types of cement type CEM II is solved on the cement plant PJSC "Ivano-Frankivsk Cement".

Дослідження властивостей сумішей надвисокомолекулярного поліетилену з полімерами відмінної будови

The compositions of ultra highmolecular polyethylene with the polymers of different structure and low-molecular additions are discovered. The degree of blends homogeneity on the basis of UHMPE depending on the structure and nature of components and their influence on physical and mechanical properties is studied. Досліджено композиції надвисокомолекулярного поліетилену з полімерами іншої будови та низькомолекулярними доданками. Вивчено ступінь однорідності сумішей на основі НВМПЕ від складу та природи компонентів та вплив їх на фізико-механічні властивості.