Ricci flows

Metric Tensor Definition Model for Telecommunication Network Based on Curvilinear Coordinates Systems

The tensor representation of telecommunication network parameters for various coordinate systems is described. The number of two-way links between nodes at the virtual level of the network is determined. A multidimensional coordinate system, the components of which may be various network parameters, such as the load between nodes, is considered. The state of the network is represented in a covariant and contravariant coordinate system. For assisted covariant differentiation described the possibility of taking into account changes in the state based on the Christoffel symbols.

Increasing the Effectiveness of Dynamic Routing for Heterogeneous Service-Oriented Systems Using Hyperbolic Ricci Flows

The work is dedicated to routing effectiveness increasing for heterogeneous networks with dynamic variables heterogeneities. Distribution of information flows in heterogeneous networks depends on the structural heterogeneities that can dynamically change because of incorrect settings, overload, migration of virtual machines and other emergencies. These factors considerably influence the success routing, notably in large-scale networks that provide a wide range of services.