
Features of socio-psychological development of the person as the basis the emergence of criminal liability

Clarifying the socio-psychological aspect of a person always involves study of the patterns of formation of a certain internal structure person and its performance as a regulator of behavior. The formation of this structure of the person occurs gradually from the moment of its birth under the influence of various factors.

To be the subject of any social relationship, man must reach a certain level of psychophysical and social development, which will enable her to be aware of and control her behavior, and therefore be responsible for it.

Honor and dignity of a person: the issue of criminal law protection

The article indicates that the honor and dignity of a person is an important factor and an integral component of his constitutional rights and freedoms. Starting from antiquity, in many normative legal acts such as Roman law, Digests of Justinian, the legislation of Kievan Rus, and other European states, the desire to protect the rights, honor and dignity of privileged social classes, and later also of free people, through the legislative policy of the state, can be traced.

The Problem of Legal Understanding in Modern Society: Administrative Aspect

The relevance of the problem study of legal understanding shall be determined by a combination of ideological, social and political factors, including the urgent need to comprehend legal understanding as the most important regulator of social relations, as well as the need for a critical rethinking of traditional concepts of legal understanding.

Concept "behavior" and "activities" as the basis filosofemy deviant behavior

On the basis of a large source base comprehensively analyzed the definition of
«behavior» and «activity», traced the development of concepts in the jurisprudential aspect,
found their main features and characteristics. It is proved that the concept of "behavior" and
«activity» are the basis filosofemy deviant behavior.

The institution of responsibility of the state to a person as the forma realization guarantees of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen

The article deals with the modern approaches to the formation of the institution of responsibility of the state to a person. The author made an attempt to analyze the relationship “person – state” in the field of implementation of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen. It is proved that one of the reason of the irresponsibility of the state in this context is the absence of effective mechanisms of realization of such responsibility.

Anthropology phenomenon of personality

Analyzes the philosophical principles of Emmanuel Mounier personalist concept and identifies its impact on the philosophical currents of the twentieth century. Studied existential philosophical principles and major categories that uses existentialism in the interpretation of the rights and specificity of its existence. Conceptual phenomenology content through the analysis of the concept of "I", highlights the main dimensions of anthropological philosophy in the context filosofemy Max Scheler.