magnesium hydrosilicate

Вплив високодисперсного порошку магнію гідросилікату на деформаційні властивості поліпропілену

The deformation properties of polypropylene modified by highly dispersed magnesium hydrosilicate are researched. It was established that the part of elastic deformation decreases with increasing of silicate filler content and the part of highly elastic and plastic deformation – increases. This fact indicates the formation of physically structured polymer composition material. Досліджено деформаційні властивості поліпропілену, модифікованого високодис- персним магнію гідросилікатом.

Вплив магнію гідросилікату на надмолекулярну структуру поліпропілену

The essential effect of the nature and the content of the fine-grained modified polyvinylpyrrolidone magnesium hydrosilicate on the degree of crystallinity and crystallite sizes of polypropylene was established. This effect is caused by the change in the structural formations at the phases interface and by the nature of intermolecular interactions. Fine-grained particles of the modified magnesium hydrosilicate act as the additional centers of crystallization within the polymer composite material. 

Adsorptive Modification of High-Dispersed Magnesium Hydrosilicate

The modification action of polyvinylpyrolidone (PVP) on morphological peculiarities of magnesium hydrosilicate powder has been investigated. PVP modification mechanism has been studied depending on its introduction method to the system. The most effective modification method is observed during joint precipitation of the system liquid components and PVP.