методи оцінки

Effectiveness of Public Administration and Administration: Problems and Directions of Improvement of Evaluation Processes

The semantic and systemic criteria used to establish efficiency in the field of public administra- tion are revealed. The main approaches are summarized and a critical analysis of methods for deter- mining the level of effective and efficient functioning of public administration is conducted.

Models and methods for building web recommendation systems

Modern Word Wide Web contains a large number of Web sites and pages in each Web site. Web recommendation system (recommendation system for web pages) are typically implemented on web servers and use the data obtained from the collection viewed web templates (implicit data) or user registration data (explicit data). In article considering methods and algorithms of web recommendation system based on the technology of data mining (web mining).

Expert and statistic estimation of the attractiveness of Lviv region area

The recreational lands are characterized by their attraction for tourists. Key indicators of attractiveness are statistical and expert data. After gathering the necessary data can be conducted the study, which will be able to compare potential of the recreational areas.