sulfur(IV) oxide


A new method of flue gas desulfurization with the production of a valuable is proposed. The essence of the method is to pass flue gases through a scrubber (Venturi) filled with magnesium hydroxide suspension. At the same time, SO2 of the flue gases will react with magnesium hydroxide according with the formation of magnesium sulfite. Crystals of magnesium sulfite are able to interact with new portions of SO2 and turn into hydrosulfite. As a result of such "washing" of flue gases, a suspension of sparingly soluble salt MgSO3∙6H2O in a 12-15% solution of MgSO4 is obtained.

Технологічний та техніко-економічний аналіз процесів очищення газів з низьким вмістом сульфуру(іv) оксиду

In this paper it is shown, that for cleaning the gas emissions with low consist of sulfur(IV) oxide it is advisable to use liquid-oxidative methods and use air oxygen as the oxidant. For the physico-chemical nature of the process the horizontal absorber with scoop- like dispersants are supposed to be the best. A principal flowsheet for purification of gases from sulfur(IV) oxide was proposed. Показано, що для очищення газових викидів з низьким вмістом сульфуру (ІV) оксиду доцільно застосовувати рідинно-окисні методи, а як окисник використати кисень повітря.

Principals for the Creation of Effective and Economically Sound Treating Processes of Industrial Emissions with Sulfur Oxide Low Content

In the present work the sulfur cycle in nature is analyzed. The role of sulfur(IV) oxide, sources and volumes of its production, the dynamics of emissions and forecast for the future have been described. The main part (more than 80 %) of emissions are poor waste gases (<0.5 SO2), which are treated with great difficulties. Economically sound and technologically simple methods for gases treating, as well as equipment mostly corresponding to the physico-chemical essence of the processes limiting the general intensity of treating have been suggested.