
Development of a Method for Automated Selection of Sound Absorbtion Coefficients

The article describes a method for automated selection of sound energy absorption coefficients of different materials. The method provides means to calibrate inner space models in software systems that simulate acoustic properties on the example of the Catt-Acoustic system. The reflection of the sound in a synagogue has been investigated and ways to reduce it have been proposed to improve the language comprehensibility index.

Development of the 3d Premises Models Converter From the Sketchup Into the Catt-acoustic System

The article proposes a method for converting object geometry files from the SketchUP system into the Catt-Acoustic system. The proposed method has made it possible to accelerate the development of the premises models for their further acoustic analysis in the Catt-Acoustic system and to automate the process of determining the acoustic properties of the materials used in these premises.