
Software and algorithmic provision of parallel calculation of non-isothermal moisture transfer based on the apparatus of fractional derivatives

A new mathematical model of the nonstationary process of heat and moisture transfer in the two-dimensional region is constructed on the basis of the use of Caputo and Grunwald- Letnikov derivatives. An implicit finite-difference scheme for approximation of a mathematical model of noisothermal moisture transfer taking into account the fractional integro-differential apparatus is developed. The given algorithm of numerical realization of model allows to receive values of function of temperature and humidity for all points of area of partition.

Specificity of sectoral structure of term systems (based on the example of Ukrainian terminology of oil and gas industry)

Ukrainian terminology of oil and gas industry is examined as a field structure. Characteristics of terminology field are defined. A particular structure is made – a core and a periphery. Concentration of field-formative features in the core and incomplete set of these features due to possible loosening of their intensity at the periphery are typical for this structure.