марковська модель


Structural redundancy is included in modern data transmission systems to ensure the specified reliability indicators. Structural redundancy gives the system fault tolerance and significantly increases its reliability. To manage the redundant resource, it is necessary to have additional tools that will connect the redundant equipment to the main configuration of the data transmission system. The redundant equipment is a separate technical means and, from the point of view of reliability, it is connected in series with other modules of the data transmission system.

Визначення довговічності дубльованої інформаційної системи із паралельним резервуванням на основі ациклічної марковської моделі

Для визначення показників довговічності систем зі структурним резервуванням запропоновано метод, який ґрунтується на застосуванні багатовимірних ациклічних марковських моделей. На основі запропонованого методу для дубльованої системи із паралельним резервуванням визначено гамма-процентний ресурс, інтенсивність відмов та ймовірність розподілу за відмовами.

Taking Into Account Type I and Ii Errors of Switching Device for System With Double Hot Redundancy

The reliability model of the system with double hot redundancy and nonideal switching devices is suggested. The model is designed for the reliability characteristics determination. The peculiarity of the model is that it takes into account errors of the first and the second type for switching devices. Dynamic fault tree and Markov model are used for determining probability characteristics.

Reliability Determination for Protective Fittings With Taking Into Account Safety Valve Load-Sharing

This paper is devoted to the solving task of property prediction on the basis of analogical inference. The reliability model of safety valves for pressure vessel is proposed. The feature of model is that it is considered load-sharing effect between safety valves. To determine the reliability characteristics dynamic fault tree and Markov model are used.

Reliability Model for Failure Cause Analysis of a System With Component Load-sharing Redundancy Between Uniform Modulus

The reliability model for system with load-sharing redundancy of component between uniform modulus is proposed. The model adequately takes into account load-sharing impact of reserved components on failure cause probability characteristics of such system. For reliability determination a dynamic fault tree and a Markov model is used.