The first step to sketch the spatio-temporal evolution of biochemical and physical parameters involving in the harmful algal blooms (hab) in mattatall lake (Nova Scotia, Canada)

Many watercourses in Nova Scotia (Canada) have recently had algal blooms in a surprisingly increasing way in frequency and diversity without any good understanding or explanation about causes and effects. The blooms triggered in Mattatall Lake (Wentworth, Nova Scotia) have many particular aspects: toxic species domination, nutrients increasing on a monthly basis, and blooms that co-exist with icy conditions.

Studing the tectogenesis in the middle course basin of river latorytsia based on analysis of basic releif surfaces

A possibility of studying the tectonic processes in the folded mountain areas using the structural morphometry and the GIS-analysis has been demonstrated. The results of analysis of basic surfaces, constructed based on non-uniformly scaled topographic maps, have been discussed. The correlations have been revealed between the orography forms, tectonic and volcanic structures on the Carpathian model polygon. 

Photointerpretation with the use of processed satellite images

The structure of landscape and her changeability in time and space is to possible to analyse on several ways using near this the different methods and investigative tools. One of investigative applied technologies in investigation of landscape are Geographic Information System (GIS). This technology makes possible the making to perform the opinion of landscape structure by helping of ecological coefficieus and indexes based on varied sources of information.

The Role of GIS in Evaluating Cartographic and Survey Evidence in the Determination of Historic and Cultural Landscapes

This paper will provide a generic background to the role of GIS in recording and re-creating landscapes based upon a range of documentary and cartographic material, with case studies derived from the analysis of historic, cultural, and post-industrial case studies. The paper will then address the specific use of GIS in analysing, evaluating, and presenting a range of historical landscape scenarios based upon research that has been conducted at the University of East London (England) and the University of Agriculture in Kraków (Poland).