The first step to sketch the spatio-temporal evolution of biochemical and physical parameters involving in the harmful algal blooms (hab) in mattatall lake (Nova Scotia, Canada)

: рр.1-18

Tri Nguyen-Quang, Kien-Chinh Lieou, Kateryna Hushchyna, Tri-Dung Nguyen, Negar Sharifi Mood, Muhammad Nadeem, Kayla McLellan, Kalaivani Murdymootoo, Emily Merks, Rachel Hirtle

Many watercourses in Nova Scotia (Canada) have recently had algal blooms in a surprisingly increasing way in frequency and diversity without any good understanding or explanation about causes and effects. The blooms triggered in Mattatall Lake (Wentworth, Nova Scotia) have many particular aspects: toxic species domination, nutrients increasing on a monthly basis, and blooms that co-exist with icy conditions. In this paper, we suggest an approach to create a map system with an appropriate interpolation and validation of necessary data in order to deal with this issue in Mattatall Lake and to contribute to the analysis framework and management plan on the entire area. Our long-term objective is aiming to suggest a modeling process for the entire watershed.

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