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Models and means of clothing elements patterns classification using machine learning

The task of pattern classification remains relevant in the fields of trends, style, fashion, personalization, manufacturing, and design. Research aimed at the design and development of models and means of classification of patterns of clothing elements using machine learning is highlighted. The study addresses a pertinent issue in computer vision, namely: increasing the efficiency of classification of patterns of clothing elements. The research was conducted with a proprietary dataset comprising 600 images.

Conceptual Approach to Detecting Deepfake Modifications of Biometric Images Using Neural Networks

The National Cybersecurity Cluster of Ukraine is functionally oriented towards building systems to protect various platforms of information infrastructure, including the creation of secure technologies for detecting deepfake modifications of biometric images based on neural networks in cyberspace. 

This space proposes a conceptual approach to detecting deepfake modifications, which is deployed based on the functioning of a convolutional neural network and the classifier algorithm for biometric images structured as “sensitivity-Yuden index-optimal threshold-specificity”.

Identification of Birds' Voices Using Convolutional Neural Networks Based on Stft and Mel Spectrogram

Threats to the climate and global changes in ecological processes remain an urgent problem throughout the world. Therefore, it is important to constantly monitor these changes, in particular, using non-standard approaches. This task can be implemented on the basis of research on bird migration information. One of the effective methods of studying bird migration is the auditory method, which needs improvement.


The article is devoted to the problem of automatic image quality assessment by a convolutional neural network when using the common TID2013 image database for training the neural network. The TID2013 database was chosen for the reason that it contains 25 base real-world images, which were distorted from these images using 24 different distortion methods and with 5 distortion levels, creating a sufficiently large database of 3000 images for training the neural network. For each image, an average expert assessment of its quality is given.

Intelligent system for user groups socialization with similar interests

The article develops a general architectural system of socialization of groups of users with similar interests and functional requirements for it. To process a large part of the information, the system is implemented using the methods of fuzzy text information search and machine learning. thus, N-gram, selection expansion and structured Noisy Channel models are applied. A feature of the implementation is the processing of the text, the analysis of words in the text and the formation of evaluations.

Information Support for Personalities Socialization Processes Based on Common Interests

The main objective of this article is to create an information system project for socialization by personal interests on the basis of SEO-technologies and methods of machine learning. The main purpose of this information system is to identify the user within the system using neural networks and to select similar users by analysing the user's current information. An information system was created that, through Identity and JWT tokens, provides optimized and secure authorization, logging, and support functions for the current system user session.

Methods for real-time object searching and recognizing in video images on ios mobile platform

The features of the most common methods and systems for searching and recognizing objects in video are explored. The research shows the feasibility of building search and recognition tools for the iOS platform in real time. The method of functional adaptation of the algorithm of search and recognition of objects to features of video is offered, which consists in processing of video image by smoothing and minimization filters, which reduces the time of search and recognition of objects. The block diagram and algorithm of system functioning were designed.


Mo­dern da­ta­ba­ses of bi­ome­di­cal ima­ges ha­ve be­en in­ves­ti­ga­ted. Bi­ome­di­cal ima­ging has be­en shown to be ex­pen­si­ve and ti­me con­su­ming. A da­ta­ba­se of ima­ges of pre­can­ce­ro­us and can­ce­ro­us bre­asts "BPCI2100" was de­ve­lo­ped. The da­ta­ba­se con­sists of 2,100 ima­ge fi­les and a MySQL da­ta­ba­se of me­di­cal re­se­arch in­for­ma­ti­on (pa­ti­ent in­for­ma­ti­on and ima­ge fe­atu­res). Ge­ne­ra­ti­ve ad­ver­sa­ri­al net­works (GAN) ha­ve be­en fo­und to be an ef­fec­ti­ve me­ans of ima­ge ge­ne­ra­ti­on.