international standard

World experience of electronic gazetteers creation of geographical names

The geographical names electronic gazetteers of four countries: USA and Canada, Great Britain, Hungary, and the portrayal of Australian and SAR gazetteers, are considered; their parameters are shown. The main point of the regulations of International standard ISO 19112 “Geographic information – Spatial referencing by geographic identifiers” concerning geographical names electronic gazetteers creation, is described. The solving of the problem for different departmental data integration in electronic gazetteers is proposed.


Analysis of results of application of normative monetary evaluation of land parcels

There are the results of the comparison of normative value with market value of land in the article.
It is showed by the example of Ukrainian town Dnepropetrovsk that site value can be four times less then normative value uptown and two times more in the centre of town. Such significant difference doesn’t allow us to use them for the same purpose.