object detection

Advanced YOLO models for real-time detection of tomato leaf diseases

The increasing focus on smart agriculture in the last decade can be attributed to various factors, including the adverse effects of climate change, frequent extreme weather events, increasing population, the necessity for food security, and the scarcity of natural resources.  The government of Morocco adopts preventative measures to combat plant illnesses, specifically focusing on tomatoes.  Tomatoes are widely acknowledged as one of the most important vegetable crops, but they are highly vulnerable to several diseases that significantly decrease their productivity.  De

Intelligent driver assistance systems based on computer vision and deep learning

This article presents an integrated Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) that combines several key functional modules, such as collision warning, lane detection, traffic sign recognition, and pothole detection, which are implemented using modern deep learning models, particularly YOLOv8n. The system is optimized for devices with limited computational resources, such as Raspberry Pi or NVIDIA Jetson Nano, by employing a modular architecture and parallel data processing to ensure realtime performance.


A modified neural network model based on Yolo V5 was developed and the quality metrics of object classification on video images built on the basis of existing known basic neural network architectures were compared. The application of convolutional neural networks for processing images from video surveillance cameras is considered in order to develop an optimized algorithm for detecting and classifying objects on video images. The existing models and architectures of neural networks for image analysis were analyzed and compared.


Recently, deep learning technologies, namely Neural Networks [1], are attracting more and more attention from businesses and the scientific community, as they help optimize processes and find real solutions to problems much more efficiently and economically than many other approaches. In particular, Neural Networks are well suited for situations when you need to detect objects or look for similar patterns in videos and images, making them relevant in the field of information and measurement technologies in mechatronics and robotics.

Improving pedestrian segmentation using region proposal-based CNN semantic segmentation

Pedestrian segmentation is a critical task in computer vision, but it can be challenging for segmentation models to accurately classify pedestrians in images with challenging backgrounds and luminosity changes, as well as occlusions.  This challenge is further compounded for compressed models that were designed to deal with the high computational demands of deep neural networks.  To address these challenges, we propose a novel approach that integrates a region proposal-based framework into the segmentation process.  To evaluate the performance of the proposed framework,

Analysis of Algorithms for Searching Objects in Images Using Convolutional Neural Network

The problem of finding objects in images using modern computer vision algorithms has been considered. The description of the main types of algorithms and methods for finding objects based on the use of convolutional neural networks has been given. A comparative analysis and modeling of neural network algorithms to solve the problem of finding objects in images has been conducted. The results of testing neural network models with different architectures on data sets VOC2012 and COCO have been presented.

Methods of Vehicle Recognition and Detecting Traffic Rules Violations on Motion Picture Based on OpenCV Framework

In this era, people using vehicles is getting increased day by day. As pedestrians leading a dog for a walk, or hurrying to their workplace in the morning, we’ve all experienced unsafe, fast-moving vehicles operated by inattentive drivers that nearly mow us down. Many of us live in apartment complexes or housing neighborhoods where ignorant drivers disregard safety and zoom by, going way too fast. To plan, monitor and also control these vehicles is becoming a big challenge.

On Methods of Object Detection in Video Streams

Detecting objects in a video stream is a typical problem in modern computer vision systems that are used in multiple areas. Object detection can be done on both static images and on frames of a video stream. Essentially, object detection means finding color and intensity non-uniformities which can be treated as physical objects. Beside that, the operations of finding coordinates, size and other characteristics of these non-uniformities that can be used to solve other computer vision related problems like object identification can be executed.