the earthquake

The methodology and results of the statistical processing of ECWM data in the Kirovograd ore district

In the following work the methodology of statistical processing of the earthquake converted waves and results of seismogeologic modeling of the Kirovograd ore district are represented. The correlation between Novoukrainsk-Kirovograd granitoid, Korsun’-Nowomirgorod rapakivi-anorthosite massifs and the Moho boundary are considered.

The methodology and results of the seismic processing of MCWE data in the Onega ore district (Baltic Shield)

Purpose. The aim of the study is to find the communication features of the deep structure in particular srednemashtabnyh heterogeneities of the crust and the transition zone crust-mantle localization fields and rudoproyaleny surface to build geodynamic model Onega ore area. Methodology. An original method of statistical data processing converted waves of earthquakes using not only the kinematics but also dynamic parameters. Results. In this paper we set out the methodology and the results of statistical data processing converted waves of earthquakes in the Onega ore area.