
Stages of geodynamic development of the territory of the Lviv-Volyn coal basin

The purpose of this work is to analyze geodynamic processes of origination, geological development, and Post-Carboniferous alteration of Carboniferous deposits of the Lviv-Volyn Basin. The methodology is based on historical-geological and facies studies. It includes a comparison of the capacities and distribution of deposits of different ages in the region as well as a dynamic analysis of the formation of coal deposits in the basin.

Application of seismofacial analysis for identification of carbonate and terrigenous objects in lower and middle zarboniferous sediments (South part of the border zone of DDD)

Results of seismofacial researchs of carbonate and terrigenous sediments of South Near Board Part of the Dniper-Donets Depression are described (on the examples of Livensky Gas-Condencsate Deposit and Britaiska-North-Gercevanivska Field). Accumulative objects in the carbonate and terrigenous sediments have been described after the interpretation of received results.