
Paleotectonic reconstruction of east European platform localization for middle paleozoic by paleomagnetic data

Results of paleomagnetic studies of Lower Devonian sedimentary gray and red rocks from the south-west of Ukraine (the Dniester River basin) are presented. Samples are gray argillite limestones and dolomites of Tiverian series and red argillite and sandstones of Dniester series. Time scale is comparable to Lochkovian of international geologic time scale. Stable palaeomagnetic components of the most samples show remagnetization of rocks (Permian pole, Φ=45°S, Λ=340°E, dp/dm=2°/5° for Tiverian and Φ=47°S, Λ=351.5°E, dp/dm= =0.8°/1.5° for Dnistrovian series).