quality factor

Modeling of wave field, which has been excited of deep or superficial source in horizontally layered half-space

Purpose. The aim is to conduct mathematical modeling of disturbances and seismic wave field propagation in horizontally layered isotropic elastic half-space; summarizing the results obtained in the case of absorbing media; numerical implementation of the method of calculation of seismic waves in horizontally layered medium with absorption, perturbed point source in a simple force that depends on time; build sustainable programs and algorithms for numerical calculations for synthetic seismograms; and conducting numerical experiments for verification of results.

Optimization of topology transmission network mobile communication with taking into account conflicting quality parameters

To meet the put forward contradictory technical and economic demands to the structure of transmission networks it is necessary to use multi-criteria optimization methods when planning them. During our planning of a transmission network we design such a topology that has to provide high quality and sufficient reserve capacity at least costs. In practice it means that the designer must balance three transmission network quality factors, which characterize the cost, the quality and the capacity.

On the relationship between seismic activity and structural features of the crust and upper mantle and the Earth's rotation rate (using the example Garm prognostic polygon)

Purpose. The purpose of researches – to search the relation of the seismicity, structure of the crust and upper mantle in the Garm region, and - to search of  relation of earthquake scale and the speed of rotation of the Earth. Methodology. A joint analysis of variations of seismic activity and the Earth's rotation for the 1895-2010 years was carried out. Spatial variations in the attenuation field, as a basis of the blocks structure in Garm region, was obtained by the method of short-period coda-waves. Results.