Rayleigh waves

On the use of seismic Rayleigh waves in security systems

There are four types of seismic waves: primary waves , secondary waves , wave Rayleigh and Love waves. The first two types are called depth waves, because these waves penetrate into the depths of the earth. Rayleigh waves and Love waves called surface waves. They can to propagate on the surface. Given the characteristics of propagation of these waves can be concluded that even at low energies excitation source, Rayleigh waves can propagate at a much greater distance than depth waves, so it would be advisable to use them in security systems.

Sounding of the Earth crust of the North-Western part of the Russian platform by the intrinsic microseisms

Purpose. To investigate the structure of the upper crust of the Onega Peninsula by microseismic sensing. Methods. The technique involves a comprehensive analysis of detailed geological structures areas Onega Peninsula based on diagrams of the intensity distribution along the profile microseisms and depth, reflecting the relative velosity change properties of the medium obtained in the sample measurement acording the microseismic sounding method (MSM). Results. The results of sounding structure of the crust background micro-seismic two profiles within the Onega Peninsula.