labour migration

Migrant workers as the subjects of Ukraine's civil diplomacy (on example of Ukrainian-Italian relations) [Review Article]]

The problems of the treatment of labour migrants as subjects of civil diplomacy of Ukraine and their role in the establishment of the country image and the development of effective and mutually beneficial foreign relations of Ukraine and Italy have been analyzed. It has been emphasized on the social activity of labour migrants from Ukraine in protecting their rights and freedoms in Italy, as well as promoting the image of Ukraine, countering informational propaganda against our state.

The problem of migration in the context of the accession of ukraine to the European Union

The article deals with the researches on the basis of a comparison of the migration state
in Ukraine and the countries of Europe, the main components of the labor migration in these
countries are determined and their origin is traced. In Ukraine they are in close connection
with the problems of polarization and achievement of national identity, in the European
countries they direct to adjustment of strategy in the multicultural environment and
reinterpretation of the concept of “freedom”.

The impact of globalization on the formation of migration flows

The article is devoted to research of problems of labour migration in the conditions of globalization which plays or not major role in modern international motion of population. Instead, the globalization, in opinion of analysts, is appropriate and inevitable and she needs to be adopted such, which she is formed.