посткримінальна поведінка

On the issue of exemption from criminal responsibility in connection with reconciliation of the offender with the victim

The article outlines that the norms of the current Criminal Code of Ukraine provide options for the possible post-criminal behavior of a person who has committed a criminal offense, which represent a legally significant action or inaction, or their combination, and which may subsequently affect the order and features of bringing the offender to criminal liability.

Understanding the post-criminal behavior of the offender, who committed a criminal offense

Abstract. The article focuses on the fact that the sphere of behavior of a person, which today is regulated by the legislation of Ukraine on criminal liability, and which in connection with this becomes the object of an official assessment, is actually much wider than criminally punishable acts, and primarily, it concerns legally significant treatment of a person after committing a criminal offense. Such behavior is called "post-criminal", "post-criminal" or "post-criminal".