
The influence of social democrats on the formation and development of ukrainian political and legal thought in Galicia during the period of the proclamation and decline of the ZUNR (1918-1923)

This article is devoted to the analysis of the influence of the Ukrainian Social Democratic Party (USDP) on the formation and development of political and legal opinion in Galicia during the period of the proclamation and decline of the ZUNR (1918-1923). The role and place of iconic Ukrainian social democrats in the socio-political life of the region and the peculiarities of the evolution of the USDP to the political course of the ZUNR, the Polish state through the prism of the short period of Ukrainian power and the specifics of the occupation regime are highlighted.

Establishing the concept of the public as a requirement of the post-war social order of Ukraine

The term public is an established term used in the scientific and political- administrative terminology of Western societies. It denotes a certain basic concept of social relations on which these societies are built. Such terms as public sphere, public service, public enterprises, public administration, public policy have become widely used. At the same time, in Ukraine, despite the changes that took place after 2014, until now, the dominant concept of the political and administrative sphere remains the state.

Legal filosofema identity formation

This article is devoted to one of the main problems of the philosophy of law, namely the dilemma of identity formation, in particular the combination of social and individual in this institution. The purpose of this article is to focus on solving the fundamental problems of social science: identity formation through the lens of philosophical and legal determinants. The 47 author carried out the correlation between individual and social factors of identity formation and the formation of man as a full member of society.