
Magneto-mineralogical grounds of the Earth’s upper mantle magnetization. Overview

The purpose of the study. It needs to substantiate that sources of magnetic anomalies with wavelengths of the first thousand kilometers detected at the present time might have a magneto-mineralogical origin due to the existence of magnetic minerals at the mantle depths, in particular magnetite, hematite, native iron, as well as iron alloys. It should be also shown that present temporal changes of long-wave magnetic anomalies should be induced by changes of the magnetic properties of these minerals due to thermodynamic and fluid modes.

3D magnetic model of the Korsun–Novomirgorod pluton and its geological interpretation

The 3D model of the upper and middle crust of Korsun–Novomirgorod pluton using magnetic anomaly maps with scale 1:200 000, gravity modelling and DSS data have been created. The main feature of the pluton’s magnetic inhomogeneity is the presence of reverse magnetization, which is typical for gabbro-anorthosite complex. The asymmetry in the pluton’s magnetic structure distribution and in the deep structure of the crust relative to trans-regional Kherson Smolensk pushing zone has been detected.