special economic zones

Public assistance in the development of special economic zones in ukraine

Problem setting. Ukraine has suffered enormous economic losses in recent years. The intense decline in key macroeconomic indicators, the collapse of production and the physical destruction of industry in the occupied territories, the high proportion of depressed regions, the rapid decrease in the inflow of foreign investment and the deterioration of the investment climate induce to look for new instruments of economic growth. In world practice, the special economic zones are the powerful instruments for economic growth.

Special economic zones: foreign experience and perspectives for Ukraine

The actual problem of creation and functioning of special economic zones (SEZ ). We study the experience of Poland, where currently there are 14 SEZs, the invested 100 billion zlotys of foreign investments created several hundred thousand jobs. We develop the statistics on the dynamics of SEZ in Poland and the investors. The discussion questions are marked on the appropriateness and effectiveness of the SEZ. In Ukraine, currently there are 10 SEZs , involving about 600 million dollars of foreign investment.