
Typical syntactic constructions of European standards and their translation into Ukrainian

The article develops the previous author’s studies of syntactic constructions in special texts. Based on definitions in the latest International Standard ISO 5127:2017, peculiarities of language for special purposes in comparison with language for general purposes and the related distinction of criteria applied for assessing linguistic phenomena are shown. Ukrainian equivalents of the typical syntactic constructions expressing requirement, prohibition, recommendation, permission, possibility and capability in English- and German-language standards are proposed.

Models and methods of synthesis description of rational architecture information system

This paper describes the models and methods, the use of which can solve the problem of synthesis of architecture description of information system. The method of synthesis of options of architecture description of information system was developed. A game-theoretical model describing the synthesis of rational architecture describe of information system. Features of using synthesized description to determine project constraints are described.

Патерни проектування вимог до інформаційної системи

This paper is devoted to the definition of «pattern design requirements for an information system». A theoretic-categorical model of the pattern is proposed, the place of patterns in the information technology development and analysis of requirements for information systems is defined.

Задача синтезу опису архітектури інформаційної системи

This paper is devoted to the modern approach to presenting information system architecture. Based on the definition of global objectives Provider and User of IT-accommodation, developed a mathematical model of the synthesis of describe of information system architecture.
 A formal description of the task synthesis description architecture as the game Provider and User of IT-accommodation.