
State regulation of transborder cooperation at the regional level

Within the European regions formed on the borders between Ukraine and the EU, the activation of investment cooperation and the diversification of its areas of activity are largely determined by the nature of the investment climate. This is because the investment climate’s features determine the importance of investment projects and their implementation in the relevant cross-border regions, will prioritize the development of these areas, as well as providing the availability of positive stimulus for legitimate investors for their work in the cross-border market.

Analysis of cluster enterprises from the point of view of lean management concept application

This article deals with the functioning of industrial clusters in Poland. The study described in the article aimed at identifying the scale of application of Lean Management concept in cluster enterprises. The analysis carried out in 107 companies of various sizes, territorially located in various provinces, seeks to identify whether there is an information exchange – diffusion of knowledge, among enterprises that apply tools for waste minimization.

Кластерний аналіз як методологічний інструментарій дослідження бібліотек

This article describes the simple technology of the hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis of 20 different libraries, presented by the samples of classification attributes of the same volume. This technology is implemented in an environment of MsExcel-2003.

Ієрархічний агломеративний кластерний аналіз одновимірних асиметрично розподілених даних у середовищі MS Excel

Hierarchical anglomerative information technology cluster analysis of objects onedimensional data samples of different volumes is presented. This technology is implemented in an environment MsExcel-2003.