
Features of the formation of the reputation management system in the conditions of the development of internet technologies

Over the past decades, there has been a trend towards a growing interest of business representatives in their reputation and its impact on the results of operations and, accordingly, development for the future. Awareness of the importance and value of reputation among the leaders of modern business makes it necessary to find ways to build an undeniable reputation, strengthen it among stakeholders and use it effectively.

Actual problems of economics and capitalization value-oriented management: new challenges of marketing

The article given quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the processes of capitalization of economy of Ukraine in the deepening systemic crisis and globalization of the investment market. It is proved about strengthening the necessity of greater influence of marketing on the process of forming costs and finding new sources of value creation in emerging European markets. Attention is focused on ensuring long-term competitive advantages through innovative marketing solutions for commodity and stock markets.

Institutionalization of innovations in the context of strengthening economic security of a state and enterprises

The description of factors that determine the characteristics of the institutional environment is given in the article. The necessity of a more in-depth study of the problems associated with institutionalization of innovation in the context of strengthening the economic security of all market participants and improving management capitalization economy is proved. Attention is focused on strengthening the processes of institutionalization of innovation in terms of exacerbation of systemic crisis in Ukraine.

Capitalization of the industrial enterprise: specifics of modern management

Based on the cyclical nature of company’s capitalization, the paper proves that the productive capital is of high priority in achieving the strategic goal – the growth of company’s value. The directions for the growth of company’s own capital are determined, and the best of them are identified in terms of organizational constraints in the implementation by the company’s owners and economic expediency.