heating system

Energy-efficient Control of Electric Vehicle Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning System – Performance Optimization and Energy Consumption Reduction

The article addresses the challenge of improving the energy efficiency of the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system in electric vehicles. Due to the absence of an internal combustion engine in electric vehicles, there is no additional heat source, meaning that HVAC systems consume a significant portion of the battery energy, thereby reducing the vehicle’s range. The aim of this study is to develop an energy-efficient control algorithm for the HVAC system that minimizes energy consumption while maintaining adequate comfort levels for passengers.

Натурні дослідження геліопокрівлі в гравітаційній системі теплопостачання

This article examines the efficiency of helioroof in natural conditions. Modern energy development is characterized by a significant increase in energy costs. In recent decades, in many countries there is environmental degradation due to the increasing number of fossil fuels, and as a result, increasing concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The need to replace non-renewable energy sources associated not only with their depletion, but also the danger of global scale, which is created by burning coal, oil, gas, peat and the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere.

Improving the performance of a low-temperature water heating

The paper presents the results of theoretical studies of the temperature field, velocity and pressure in the proposed design temoregulyatora. It is shown that in this case there is an almost linear regime on the coolant flow rate, which gives the opportunity to work in the hot water heating system with a constant hydraulic regime change in the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the coolant only heating devices.

Experimental Research of Speed Mode Influence on the Effectiveness of Helioroof

Feasibility of using alternative energy sources, current state and prospects of solar energy development is analyzed. Today, it is important to improve and develop new solar panels that would reduce their costs and increase efficiency. Efficiency of helioroof in the solar heating system with forced movement of coolant is analyzed. It is shown that heat can be used effectively with roofing building material. The results of research of incoming flow of solar radiation on the helioroof are described.