From the business standpoint, predictability of the resources and time required for successful project completion is one of the key aspects of software development. This estimate significantly impacts project implementation and its outcomes – underestimation often leads to failures. An implementation schedule is one of the key ingredients of software development project estimation. Over recent years, the software development business has become even more competitive which, in turn, has imposed more demanding requirements on estimates – the more accurate an estimate is, and the less working time is spent on its preparation, the higher chance to overperform the competitors. This is why automation of such a manual assignment as project implementation schedule preparation is a relevant scientific and technical task. The current article is devoted to a method of building a software development project tasks implementation schedule. The project is supposed to be done by a scrum team with non-differentiated specializations. The resource constraints are expressed as balancing of the task effort estimates and the project team development capacity for each of the sprints. In order to unify measurement of software development productivity, a "normalization" approach is applied. The order of adding tasks to a schedule considers dependencies between the tasks and utilizes the List Scheduling method. As the method's outcomes, a set of feasible project implementation schedules is produced. Over a feasible schedule, a fine objective function is defined. This objective function minimizes the project team's idle time assuming that such idle time in the beginning of the project is "worse" than in its ending. Being applied along with the Multi-Stage Estimation method, the method proposed in the current article allows to reduce the working time spent by experts on preparation of estimates. Because of its simplicity, the software implementation of the current method version can be done without writing source code – a spreadsheet editor can be used instead. The priority ways of the further evolution of the method are the following: supporting of scrum teams with differentiated and mixed specializations; transition from a normalized project implementation schedule to the "full" one considering the project tasks' lifecycle and the structure of software developers' working time.
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