: 64–73
Received: October 15, 2024
Accepted: November 19, 2024
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine

It is developed the structure and algorithm of functioning of the universal controller of the adaptive smart home system. Distributed management provides increased survivability, and the modular principle of system organization ensures effective modernization in the future. The developed information model involves a connection with a remote data server using a Wi-Fi module on an ESP8266 microcontroller, which supports a local Wi-Fi network to provide control of a smart home through smartphones. A web page is associated with the local IP address of the ESP8266, through which users receive information on the current state of the home on their smartphone and can control it remotely. Periodically, through the same Wi-Fi module, the system sends data to the cloud server, as well as reads data from it for remote control of the home. The connection to the Internet is made through a Wi-Fi router. The system performs simple and urgent operations without the server involvement. Depending on the needs, the universal controller can be replaced with a specialized one. For efficient organization of the exchange of internal data between controllers, the protocol of two-wire shared bus I2C is used in the system. Communication between the system controller and the server is carried out via the universal UART channel. The system server transmits AT commands and data for the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module via the second UART channel. The proposed technical solution is characterized by a low price. The developed software for universal system controllers is developed in the assembly language for the STM8 microcontroller, which ensures high-speed operation of the device. Examples of the layout of the "transmitter" of the system and the implementation of the "receiver" of the adaptive smart home system are considered.

The hardware and software structure for controller development for distributed management in the adaptive smart home systems is proposed. The principles of intelligent adaptation of the system to the user were used to implement a smart home. The technical support of the adaptive system of the smart house is developed, which is characterized by a low price. The creation of such adaptive systems can be implemented with different "levels" of intelligence. During development, it is very important to maintain the maximum ratio: of quality as an approximate benefit in time, which saves the user of the system, to the cost of system implementation.

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