Jointing and faulting analysis Faults and crustal stresses Active rupture zones; geometry, kinematics and seismotectonic properties Faulting deformation of basins – Formation and evolution of basins Thrust geometry and kinematics Granitoid emplacement and deformation Seismotectonics of active volcanoes Fault plane solutions-faults kinematics and stress regime Late alpine orogenic processes and post-alpine mountain building processes Geology and Seismotectonics of Dams Water-drilling investigation My recent research deals with: 1) Fault activation and the driving stress regimes. 2) Separation of heterogeneous fault-slip data into homogeneous groups with the development of a new method namely TR method. Stress regime determination from heterogeneous fault-slip data. 3) Seismogenic fault plane identification from focal mechanisms that belong to an extensional or compressional seismic sequence. 4) Faulting deformation of the Inner Hellenides and the Southern Balkan Peninsula from the Tertiary onwards. REVIEWER to Scientific journal and congresses 1) Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia 2) Anals Geophysics 3) Central European Journal of Geosciences 4) Geologica Carpathica 5) Geological Society of London (Special Publication) 6) Journal of Geophysical Research 7) Journal of Maps 8) Journal of Structural Geology 9) International Journal of Earth Sciences 10) Lithosphere 11) Tectonics 12) 10th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece 13) 19th Congress of Carpatho-Balkan Geological Association PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES :Geotechnical Chamber of Greece Geological Society of Greece Geological Society of America (Representative in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) European Geosciences Union