УДК 621.382
Chyrun L., Chyrun L., Vysotska V.
Online newspaper content analysis based seo technologies
Danіck O., Shapran Y., Kyrychenko V.
Probabilistic model of the flow of failures of units of the automatic control of the ship power plants in the unstable conditions of observation
Hryhorenko Y., Marikutsa U., Matkovskа O.
Development of a mobile application for second language acquisition..
Karkulovskyi B., Karkulovskyy V., Kryvyy R., Korpyljov D., Panchak R.
Automated system for study course "designing methods"
Khanas Y., Ivantsiv R.
Finding ways and means of optimizing algoritms of transformation numerical matrices.
Koman B., Yuzevych V.
Mathematical modeling of processes in the surface layers of solids for interfacial interactions
Marusenkova T., Yurchak I.
An algorithm checking the uniqueness of quadrics’ intersection point for vector quantities smart sensors
Mazur V.
Planning of routes on in-depth study of passenger flows.
Melnyk M., Kernyskyy A., Martynyak A.
Reverberation time study of an auditorium.
Pobereyko S., Sokolovskyy Ya.
Mathematical modeling and analysis of wood strength in the context of biaxial stress state
Shatnyi S., Tymoshchuk P.
Hardware implementation design in labview of fuzzy art based partially parallel clustering system
Śmietana K., Szermer M., Zabierowski W.
Web technologies in development of working time reporting system using asp.net.