administrative proceeding

A few questions of the division of administrative process and determination of the place of the executive process

The article deals with the question of the division of the administrative process into
conflict and non-conflict. In addition, the place of the executive process is determined. It is
proved that the executive process is not in itself conflict, but conflicts may arise as a result of
its implementation, and thus it may cause a conflict. It is proposed to determine the executive
process as having a double orientation.

Right of protection at the stage of initiation of military administrative offences case

The article deals with the protection of military servants at the stage of initiation of military administrative offences case.The author of the article offers his own vision of the content of the stage of initiation of military administrative offences case and presence of persons’ rights in accordance with changes of their administrative and procedural status.

Peculiarities of legal regulation of disputes over appealing decisions, actions or omissions of masters of public information

The article focuses on peculiarities of legal regulation of disputes over appealing decisions, actions or omissions of masters of public information. Having analyzed the Code of Administrative Procedure, the Law of Ukraine “On Access to Public Information” and court decisions, the problems of this category of administrative cases consideration have been highlighted.