anticipatory management

Theoretical and applied principles of anticipatory management of enterprises on the basis of weak signals

In the article the actuality of antici¬patory management of enterprises on the basis of weak signals in modern highly dynamic, uncertain and unpredictable operating conditions is grounded. The concept of anticipatory management of enterprises on the basis of weak signals by the process-structured approach is formulated. The methodology of evaluation of anticipatory management effectiveness implemen¬tation at the enterprises is characterized and the most popular results of anticipatory management fulfillment at investigated enterprises are shown.     

The methodical and applied bases of anticipatory management analysing at the machine-building enterprises

The actuality of the research is caused by the lack of progressive management
mechanisms (including anticipatory management) at the domestic machine-building
enterprises, which are in the difficult crisis positions at present. It is founded that today
practically there are no scientific developments on the implementation and use of anticipatory
management at the machine-building enterprises.
The purpose of the research is to develop the methodical and applied regulations of