
Логіка в системі вищої юридичної освіти та наукових дослідженнях

Правила логіки, які регулюють досягнення істини та взаєморозуміння між людьми, тісно пов’язані з нормами права. Наука логіка від початків створення завжди намагалась упорядкувати спілкування задля уникнення хаотичності та безладу у висловлюваннях, що є основою загальнолюдської культури. Норми права регулятивною складовою забезпечують порядок у суспільстві, слугують мірою свободи та справедливості.

Change of the paradigm of philosophy as a basis of determination in theory of evidence

The article is devoted to the study of the history of the formation of the theory of
reasoning in the context of the changes in philosophical knowledge in the second half of the
twentieth century. The main directions of the theory that have had the greatest influence on
the formation of the theory of argumentation, in particular, the neorortex of H. Perelman and
S. Tulmin, the pragma-dialectics of Ehmeren and Grootendorst, are analyzed. Characterized
by the main problems posed by the theory of reasoning: the interaction of the speaker and the

The statement of the theory of legal argument in the period of antiquity and the roman law

The article describes the history of the origin of the theory of legal argument in the philosophy of Ancient Greece, reveals the preconditions and reasons for its appearance and development. The analysis of sophistry and its influence on the practice of legal argumentation in ancient legal proceedings, the contribution of Plato and Aristotle to the formation of general theoretical foundations of reasoning, in particular, in logic and rhetoric, as well as their further development and perfection in Roman law (based on the views of Cicero and Seneca of the Elder).

Sophistry as a discursive practice of legal argument from antiquity

The essence of sophistic grounds discursive practice in antiquity, analysed sophistry as widespread in V–IV century B. C. in ancient Greece form and means of legal argumentation on the example of judicial conversations, in particular creative in heritance of the famous sophist logograph Lysiasa, which is every reason to call the “godfather” of the legal argument.

Argumentation theory: the basic philosophical and legal aspects

In communicative practice has often faced with a situation, when it is necessary not only to have a clear idea of the true state of affairs, but also it follows objectively to demonstrate, what exactly it is considered to be true, that demonstrate the intellectual possibility to prove opponents or senders the rightness of the position by an argumentation, method of reasoning and communication. To feel themselves secure in such situation, the necessary knowledge of the theory of argumentation – the field of philosophical knowledge.

Art of disputes or eristic: scope and history

World in that live, work, contact et cetera, too complicated. And the fate of many people
contacts to a full degree with that, as far as they are able to organize a dialogue in the different
spheres of life, in science and politics, between batchwises, associations, representatives of
different ethnoss, between believers and atheists, between parents and children, between power
and citizens, between rich and poor and others like that