coke structure

Specific electrical resistance as an indicator ordering of coke structure

The influence of the coking process temperature on the resistivity of coke was studied. Taking into account that the resistivity and post-reaction strength are affected by some common factors, such as temperature level and coke readiness, which indicates the orderliness of its structure, the relationship between these indicators was established. The analysis of dependencies and their statistical evaluation indicates that the studied relationships are characterized by high values of correlation coefficients (0,77-0,84) and determination (59,29-70,56 %)

Production and quality of blast furnace coke in Ukraine

This research displays the state of metallurgical coke production in Ukrainew with special attention to the raw material base for production of coke and its quality. Besides the following essay deals with the detailed analysis of preparation methods of coal charge for coking, including thermal treatment and stamp charging and formulates the main ways of upgrading coke quality considering the rational technology of coking.